Grandma and Grandad, Henry and Jessica Heaton, now in their favourite place on the moors
[ · Download from mirror (772MB) ]17 December 2014, 0:27 AM
On Sunday 14th December 2014 my father-in-law, Martin Heaton, obeyed his dad Henry's wishes that his ashes were to be mixed with his wife Jessica's ashes in a bucket and spread into the wind. This was above Pateley Bridge, Nidderdale. It was a very windy day, just as Henry Heaton would have wanted it. We all had to stop before getting to Yorke's Folly as the wind and rain were so strong and do it on the path halfway there. Henry and Jessica's daughters, Anabelle, Joy and Judy were there. Their grand children, my wife Julia and Alex with his wife Donna also attended. Annabelle's husband Peter and Judy's daughter Siobhan together with her son Samuel also helped with the request. We all went for a hot drink and then had a dinner at The Crown Inn at Pateley afterwards.

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