10:45 PM
In awe of one of the most unique photographs from NASA

The date was 23rd May 2011 and the shuttle Endeavour is attached to the International Space Station. No photograph had ever been taken of both shuttle and ISS together. That is until Paolo Nespoli, a European Space Agency astronaut took the following image from a departing Soyuz TMA-20. The Soyuz landed in Kazakhstan later that day. On board were two other crew members that all had spent 159 days in space. There was Cady Coleman (NASA) and Dmitry Kondratyev (Russian cosmonaut and exhibition 27 commander)

Click the image to see the full majesty of the view


Category: Science | Views: 1455 | Added by: James | Tags: Russia, esa, NASA, ISS, Discovery, Space Shuttle, Orion, Soyuz | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 2
Thank you for your comment TopHatJohn. I recommend the Nasa, ESA and Space X websites. Nasa TV is superb too.
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Really good photograph and piece.