0:11 AM
Big Finish Audio Adventures are the Bees Knees

Big Finish is a name that means pure quality to me.
They have produced audio adventures since 1998. I love them for the Dr Who adventures but have listened to other ranges with just as much glorious satisfaction. Ranges include 2000AD, Blakes 7, Dalek Empire, Highlander, Robin Hood, I Davros, Sherlock Holmes and even Sapphire and Steel. These examples don't even touch the edges!

The reason I love them is that the production is incredible. While listening in the car you are taken on an adventure that, for me, surpasses any visual you can create on a TV screen. It has that same magic that reading a book does but you can be doing other activities at the same time. It is a shame they do not have the licence to produce Dr Who after the eighth incarnation. Mind you Paul Mcgann is my favourite Dr and all his adventures are on audio through Big Finish. Tom Baker has recently signed up and is producing great fourth Dr adventures too which is an incredible bonus. All the other classic series Dr Who's are there and their acting is always fabulous.

They recently won an award for their Dark Eyes drama from the BBC

I am forever indebted to Nicholas Briggs (the voice of the Daleks) who is executive producer and the MD Jason Haigh-Ellery
For the full list Big Finish team that make it possible see here

I am going to make special mention to Barnaby Edwards (an experienced Dalek operator) who is a great audio adventure director.

You can find the main site at http://bigfinish.com

I highly recommend it

Just look at their upcoming release for Frankenstein. It just looks so exciting.
You can find it here in their classics section

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