10:35 PM
A Tardis landed in Pateley Bridge high street
Dr Who really does land in the most interesting places! This Police box appeared for the Nidderdale Pateley Bridge 1940’s event. I only saw it a week ago and asked Julia if she could take my picture with it. It seems very well made and on the 1940’s Facebook page it states that the Police box was made by ‘David and Tim’ Unfortunately I noticed that someone has destroyed one of the windows. Its times like these that you do wish the Doctor was real so he could track the culprit down.


I hope the Tardis stays in Pateley for a while longer as I noticed a family having a photograph taken with it. My belief is that the Police box now is more commonly known as the Doctor’s Tardis. For me it is the most iconic sci fi symbol to come out of England.

So there we were taking photographs before getting some fresh vegetables for tonight from the allotment. That is after watching the episodes Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead (both excellent Steven Moffat OBE stories) last night and always wearing my Tardis watch. I feel very much like I love the show more than ever. 
The recent The Stage article regarding the talk by Steven Moffatt on how precious the BBC is and how it should be protected is revealing. In it he expresses how only the BBC would commission a show like Doctor Who. If you were to explain the script where a man called the Doctor uses a Police Box to fly around time and space, not many stations would see the potential. Moffatt wanted to make the audience aware that this is under threat by the Government. How the funding from the license fee should stay in order to keep the variety and quality we are now used to and the ‘green paper’ the on change at the BBC is wretched. Fellow Scottish writer Armando Iannucci’s lecture where he suggests consultation with creative producers, directors and writers when the government makes the media decisions is total common sense. The Government should not be involved in BBC programming. It is against the nations interest and can only lead to commercial dilution. Long live the current BBC, long live commissions such as the great Doctor Who.


David and Tim who made the police box
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