This is about my long-standing love of music videos. Not about every music video, only those that are made with respect for the art. To me it does not have to be associated with the music I buy, but instead it should take you out of the now and directly into the artist’s vision for 5 minutes. You should come away emotionally changed.

This brings me to a video that comes from 1996. Directed by Nic Goffey and Dominic Hawley who together shaped a stylistic trend that continues today. I have to be blunt though and state that I feel that the majority of music videos, now more than ever, are watered down commercial drivel. This is harsh but was bound to happen as music became freely available on the Internet. Also it has to be iterated that throwing large quantities of cash at a music video does no ... Read more »

Category: Music | Views: 2294 | Added by: James | Date: 15 April 2014 | Comments (0)